Mentors for workshops: Without your support our DiMi-Camp would not be possible!
September 8, 2022
As part of our DiMi-Camp for tech-savvy kids and teens aged 10-15, we need lots of helpers for the numerous workshops.
Therefore, every year we ask the employees of the DIGITAL MILE companies to spend 1-2 mornings (approx. 08:30-13:00 h) as mentors to help the children with words and deeds.
- There will be about 5 different workshops per morning, each with 10-12 children.
- Each workshop is led by a lead mentor from CoderDojo, with the support of at least one other person (= mentor from the DiMi companies).
- Mentor requirements: good programming or electronics skills (depending on the workshop) and, above all, joy and enthusiasm for working with children.
- It is very important for us to have a largely binding commitment, both on the part of the DiMi companies for the release of employees, but also on your part as volunteer mentors. We need this for good workshop planning.

Then be a mentor at our next DiMi-Camp from 21-25.08.2023!
Please register in time in spring (by the end of May at the latest) by email to wittner@techharbor.at - thank you!
Here is an overview of our DiMi Camp workshops:
- Build your first computer game with Scratch: Target group: Kids of all ages who have never programmed anything before; no entry requirements.
- We program a browser game: Target group: Kids of any age who already have experience with block programming (e.g. Scratch); no other entry requirements
- Improve Coding Skills with Creative Coding: Target group: Kids 12+ who already have some coding experience and enjoy creative design; no other entry requirements
- A morning of programming puzzles: Target audience: kids 12 and up who already have some coding experience and enjoy coding puzzles; no other entry requirements.
- Basics of Git and GitHub: Target group: Kids 13+ who already have some coding experience; Entry requirement: GitHub account.
- Soldering and electronics tinkering: Target group: Can be offered in two difficulty levels (beginners, advanced); Entry requirement for advanced: Some experience in soldering, basic knowledge of simple circuits; Infrastructure: One soldering iron per child, simple tools, craft kits.
Subject to change, there are of course always new workshops every year 🙂