Drinking punch for a good cause

Drinking punch for a good cause

April 3, 2023

The companies of DIGITAL MILE Linz diligently sold punch at the pop-up punch stand 2022 and thus paid a lot into the piggy bank. A total of € 7,131 was collected and this has now been handed over to St. Anna Children's Cancer Research.

DIGITAL MILE members hand over donations to St. Anna Children's Cancer Research

The DiMi pop-up punch stand stopped in front of all DIGITAL MILE Linz member locations in the run-up to Christmas 2022. Each company volunteered to host the stand for one evening with punch, cookies and good music. All proceeds were collected and now presented to St.Anna Children's CancerResearch .

Children's cancer research is already on a very good track in Austria. 4 out of 5 children can already be helped. However, St. Anna Children's Cancer Research has set itself the goal of one day offering all children a chance of being cured. We have supported them wholeheartedly with our campaign to achieve their goal.

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers and of course to all the thirsty participants who made this donation possible!