MS DIGITAL MILE - sensational success at the BUBBLEDAYS on 3 +4 June 2022

MS DIGITAL MILE - sensational success at the BUBBLEDAYS on 3 +4 June 2022

7 June 2022

The Linz BUBBLEDAYS, the "somewhat different" harbour festival in Linz, is one of the summer highlights on the Danube with 30,000 visitors. This year, the companies of DIGITAL MILE Linz are taking part for the first time!

Summer, sun and regained lightness - reason enough to celebrate together:

For this purpose, the DIGITAL MILE companies provided their employees and their friends with their own ship, the MS DIGITAL MILE. A 70m long push barge with a sandy beach, deck chairs and a bar created the best holiday atmosphere. In the centre of the Bubblesdays, the party guests enjoyed an exclusive relaxation zone with a unique view of the water, where the wakeboard world champion Daniel Fetz and the Red Bull Sky Diving Team provided action.

Particularly noteworthy: The bar on board!

Employees of the companies Cloudflight, Dynatrace, SMEC, Netural, MIC and TECHHARBOR ran these on a voluntary basis to support affected children from Ukraine with the proceeds.

"It is great to see what is possible when companies work together. And the best thing about it is that everyone benefits from it, employees and companies alike!" says Georg Spiesberger, the initiator of DIGITAL MILE Linz, happily.

Curious now?

More impressions of the 10 years-Linz-BUBBLEDAYS 2022 can be found here