DiMi-Future Box: 20 new high-tech soldering irons for kids

DiMi-Future Box: 20 new high-tech soldering irons for kids

October 4, 2022

DIGITAL Mile Linz sponsors 20 new soldering irons for CoderDojo (Coding Club Linz)!

With the new, very handy high-tech soldering irons, it is now much easier for children to build the circuits of the CoderDojo Linz with the Mentor:innen. This supports fine motor skills much better and allows the children to tackle more complex tasks.

And very important: The children and young people now have even more fun soldering and building!

"CoderDojo does valuable grassroots work. Children can experience technology in a playful way and have fun at the same time.
We are very pleased that we can support this with the "DiMi-Future Box" with 20 soldering irons!
Thekids of our employees can also benefit from this at the DiMi camp," says Margit Bencic, Head of Human Resources, MIC Customs Solutions.