First aid courses (D+E) with the Samariterbund Linz

First aid courses (D+E) with the Samariterbund Linz

January 8, 2024

A 2-day basic course for first aiders

In this course, participants are prepared for the most important emergencies in any situation:
at work, in the home and traffic, during sports and leisure.

As first aiders, they know exactly what to do and can therefore takethe often life-saving immediate action with confidence.

Every company with a certain number of employees is obliged to train first aiders.
This basic course is required by law for company first aiders and includes many practical exercises.

A highly recommended course for everyone:

  • with a new course concept in which theory has been reduced to the bare essentials
  • with many practical exercises, where what was learned could be tested and implemented immediately on site
  • with various scenarios for rapid coordination of all necessary steps in case of emergency
  • Thanks to the first-class course instructor an extremely entertaining and interesting 2-day basic course

Current date:
March 13 + 14, 2024 (GERMAN)

NEW: Additional date for all English-speaking employees/expats:
April 17 + 18, 2024 (ENGLISH)