Review: Summer care WALDWOCHEN KIRCHSCHLAG 2022

Review: Summer care WALDWOCHEN KIRCHSCHLAG 2022

September 1, 2022

DIGITAL MILE Linz offers comprehensive summer childcare for DIGITAL MILE LINZ employees and their children.

In addition count for the 4-10 year old children the very successful "forest weeks Kirchschlag " - this year even for the first time with 2 dates:
01.-05.08.2022 as well as 22.-26.08.2022

Both weeks were fully booked with 23 children each . Together with the pedagogical supervisors from the association "Children in the Forest", the kids were able to discover nature in a playful way, do lots of handicrafts, climb, sing songs - and simply be out and about in the forest all day.

News contribution to the 1st Forest Week Kirchschlag 2022
News contribution to the 2nd Forest Week Kirchschlag 2022